Saturday, May 31, 2008

week from hell

Week from hell

Adria has not been a happy camper in the last week. It all started on the day we took her to the beach for the very first time. That morning she was feeling a bit hot, mainly her head, and as I was flustering about it, the ‘husband’ declares (in all his wisdom having had how many again, oh, yea, this is his FIRST kid) that “that’s just her, she always has a hot head!” in attempt to yet again stop me from ‘overanalysing and flustering’. anyways, I was surprised to find that she was not taking to the water as I expected, seeing as how she loooves her baths and running water and is always trying to get in it, splash, get her hands under the tap etc…but the inner voice in me, said there must be more to this then her just not wanting to get in the water.

When we got home I took her temp, first it was 37.6 which is just a low grade temp, and next it was 38.5! yikes, so I got out the cold flannel and panadol. Only the next thing I know, she was spewing, she spewed so much it started coming out of her nose as well. I freaked out and was yelling for the husband; luckily he was there in 2 secs if only to calm me down. She seemed to recover ok from that, but I had to go into the bathroom and cry. I have never seen anyone do that before (spew from both nostrils and mouth!) and the look in her eyes when it happened, it was like she was looking at me going HELP and I CANT BREATH MUM…and the doctor in me panicked. As I do with my own family, its like I get this flight of this could lead to that which could end up in this and OMG she could die!...yup…over exaggeration kicks in every time. But I still can’t handle it, having my own loved ones be ill.

It later turned out that she is teething; she’s been drooling and gnawing on every/anything that she can get in her mouth. She loves the chilled wet rag which is often the telltale sign as the cold offers comfort to swelling gums. At the same time, she has caught dad’s cold. He’s had a cough and runny nose for a week, and has been 1) sleeping outside 2) not holding her 3) washing his hands obsessively before touching anything that may end up in her mouth/hands…but alas, all was in vain it seems, as she now has a very adult sounding cough and a runny nose as well. My poor little bubba.

She will NOT have any medication. We found out in the last month (which we were very pleased with) that she dislikes anything sweet, shell chomp down on good old mashed potato/pumpkin/carrot etc but pureed fruit?? It’s like HELL NO...what is that crap you are putting in my mouth?? her expressions seem to say! We know eventually shell most likely develop a sweet tooth, but for now, she’s loving her veges (yay) so yea, back to the medication, alas- its sweet too! So the look on her face when we try to give it to her! My my, I did not think the face was capable of so many contortions!

And to add to that, who in their right mind was genius enough to make the baby panadol in cherry vanilla flavour?? Just a micromil of that stuff is enough to make her gag, and then I tried some myself and gagged too. IT’S HORRIBLE. What happened to good old orange/strawberry?? This stuff tastes like the preservative sauce left over in the empty jar of cherries that you buy for fruit cake, with vanilla and some sort of mint/alcohol taste in there too….its like who in their right mind drinks this sh*t??? anyways, I know have 3 bottles to throw away as a result of having 1 in my house, one in my parents house and one in the travel bag (just in case..ya know??lol) On the bright side, people are forever coming to my house to ‘look over their sick little kids’ and just expect that my fridge/cupboard is full of medicine as well (no, I am not a pharmacy/cist) so at least I can give it away! (har anyone else will drink it- but who knows eh!)

Anyways, so now, she is my sick little baby. She’s lost her appetite, but she is still perky and happy and loves her milk. So we’ll just nurse her, hopefully back to recovery sooner rather then later as next week is a big week for her (grandparents coming over who haven’t seen her in 2 months and aunty coming from England who hasn’t met her at all) and we all know they’ll want to play/cuddle/carry her till the cows come home, so hopefully shell be back to her normal self by then!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Little Scarlett Growing up quick!!
Look shes sitting up! All by herself!! And making faces too!!
My monkey being a little monkey!

Sunday, May 18, 2008


little monkey

My little precious is growing a mile a minute, I say that but in actual fact shes probably only put on half a kilo in the last month, that is kinda normal but when you measure it (on the scales) you kinda expect that shes puto n huge amounts of weight! i think she has grown mainly in personality! She is now almost 5 months, and what a blessing it has been to watch her grow and develop and achieve the silliest little things. At prestn, shes learnt to kind of 'miki'. Like you know how mosts samoans tend to call each other, or their dogs, they miki...yeah well she does that, repeatedly now! She wakes up at night, lies in bed and does that! Some palagis here at the moment have commented on it saying she must be a true samoan!! ha ha!! Little Fob in the making!

She is slowly getting stronger and stronger, funny how it always tends to be assymetrical. Like she discovered her left hand way before her right, and now pushes up on the right side mostly, eventually it all evens out. :)

I started her on solids a few weeks ago, mainly mashed up pumpkin. I didnt necessarily want to, but almost felt pressured into it, by people and family all around me. Everyone just wanting me to feed her and fatten her up quick, under the false notions that she would develop any quicker if she were fatter! anyways, i truley believe that as a direct result of that, she became horribly constipated, i had to stop solids altogether and flush her out with laxatives, but not before enduring a week of her being irritable and grumpy all day and crying everytime she tried to poo! Grr...note to self, mum knows best and don't succumb to all the well intended but not necessarily best advice from those around me!

We went for a general check up with pediatrician a few weeks back, and what was funny was her weight was good, average for her age, but her length was above average for her age (in the top 25% of all lengths for babies born) and her head circumference was Waaayyyy above average!!(top 5% or largest heads!) LOL! thats her dads head right there! sometimes when she is on her tummy looking up she tends to drop her head down every once in a while, as if it just got way too heavy!! thats why we only put her on her tummy on the bed, all the baby books say she should be doing tummy time on the floor now, but its like- are you kidding? our rock solid floor, i think she would sooner break her nose with a head bang if we did that!!LOL!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

some of Adrias close allies:)

This is Baby Scarlet levi Betham, first daughter of my dearest cuz, Lynelle, and tim, she is adrias cuzin and is also a little munchkin!

This is Mahdi Zaki Brown, first son of my dear friend Mayada, he and adria are only a few months apart, and its great to have friends going thru the same things as me, ..great to exchange info , advice, and moments..ahhh...fantastico!