Sunday, August 2, 2009

growing quick

Its been a while since I last updated this blog. Adria is now 1 year and 7 months, so almost 8 months since the last entry! so much has happened. to begin with, we went on holiday with bubbles. to NZ and auzzie. The best thing about the trip was that being in a colder country meant more carpeted floors, and adria finally learnt to walk (that was earlier this year at about 13-14months old)
Then, on the 3rd of June this year, my baby sister died in a tragic car accident. Typing this out is so much easier then actually speaking those words. I can not speak those words without choking them down, and trying viciously not to cry...which is hard. It has been an enormously trying time for me and my family, and we are still confused as to how you cope with something like this, other then to just be in denial about it. its too huge.
what gets me, is that even at a very young age, my baby girl already had such a relationship with her aunty luana. She was spoilt by her.And living overseas, meant that when luana did get to come spend time with adria, she would really devote herself entirely to being with her and making her happy and teaching her things. One of those painful things is I think Luana taught her to call every 'pretty' character in her books "luana" (or 'nuana' as adria says) such as cinderella, snow white, sleeping beauty etc. every time adria sees one of those pics she gets all excited and calls out "nuana!!" it makes me laugh at times, so like my sister to teach her that. but it also makes me want to cry. After a while, she will most likely forget who taught her that, and all the great memories she had with her aunty.
I hurt because my daughter misses out on such a great relationship I know she would have had with my sister.Because i have to resort to showing her pictures, which is not the same. If this is how we are tested, I just dont understand..really i dont.

lately, my daughter has also been pointing to pretty young girls (mostly the guests at the hotel) mostly those similar in height and colouring as my sister, and calling them 'nuana'...which is also kind of heart pinchingly sad. And sometimes, she just calls out her name randomnly, which is kind of scarey almost. Sometimes it makes methink, does she see something I dont???hmmm

anyways, im going to stop there cause my grief can get heavy.
Adria is saying so much more these days. Just tonight she started to attempt "fa soifua" cos she heard me say it...but its more like "aaaa papua!!" its so cute. She has such a cute hiii and byyyeee as well. other words are mum dad nana dana (sana for uncle alesana) cow,dog,woof,fish,bird,star,NO, kain (is drink!!) yum (is food!) cake (of course that was high on list of priority words! thanks mum) car, "ka o" (as in lets go!) walk, tutu,moon, star , poo!!lol the list goes on and its fantastic watching her develop. sometimes we think she doesnt do it fast enough, but thenwe look and think gosh she really almost isnt a baby any more! and we want her to slow down!!
anyways, theres a terrible case of a young pregnant mum with swine flu that had to have her baby out early, its made us think twice about trying to expand our brood (for now) praying that this mother recovers.