Thursday, January 27, 2011

two munchkins

ITs been almost 2 years now since I've updated this blog! Fair to say life has kept me busy! I now have 2 delightful little girls to keep me on my feet night and day!
Adria is now 3, she just turned 3 last month.How time has most certainly flown by. From a shy little ulupo'o, she is now a most outgoing little girl with a head full of red-tinged curls! Not really sure where exactly the curls come from as both Poi and I have straight hair, but both sides of the family have some waves! The reddish tinge is definitely Poi's dads, although my great grandad did have red hair!

Adria's words are just now getting clearer, she had a lot of gibberish that was almost like a secret code only me and her dad understood- words like "kain" for drink...most of thats now all gone, she just has a few more constanants to wrestle with like x and g! little fob she is!!

This is her and her sister, Moana in pots. I put the baby in a pot and adria insisted she get in one too, I thought she wouldnt fit but look, she could, still pretty small for a big girl!

This is Adria, after Nana Adria has had a go at her with some make up!!

As you can see, shes a real monkey!!
At the mo, Adria likes to paint, to sing (pa'ulua as it is!) to help me weed and plant, and weed out my newly planted plants!!Lol! she likes to get her feet dirty, in the mud, through the puddles, whenever you give her a chance. She demolishes ice cream but also favours fried rice, saimini, vienna sausages (i know my mum would be shaking her head at me!) but also - raw cucumbers, ripe bananas and avocado are also her favourite!!

This is one of little Moana. Shes a real joy. Pretty relaxed and happy,bigger then Adria was at this age. She likes attention and hates people turning their backs on her!! thats about all that will make her cry! pretty strong , held her head up from only a few days old!!
thats all for now- til next time!!